Does anyone have any tips on how to gain editorial experience with magazines/publications? Any advice would be much appreciated!


  • @Dominic Livingston hi there, are you still looking for writers? If yes, I am a writer/blogger looking to expand my portfolio, and would be keen to find out more about any projects/opportunities you have available. Happy to pm on The Dots or exchange emails.
  • @Michael Piggott that’s great! It sounds like you gained lots of experience in doing things that way - I’ll definitely take a leaf out of your book!
  • I'm not sure how useful my advice would be, exactly. For context, I joined The Marketing Society as a Digital, Content and Social Media manager, where I basically was an Editor just without the title. There was a point where the Society needed to launch a publication but ran out of budget. I took it on and created a digital publication myself from scratch - and in that process basically made myself Editor. I guess it was a bit of a carpe diem sieze the day kind of moment. I also began to put my own stamp on things, with editor's newsletters, introducing my tone of voice and personality a little more. In short, the way in for me was a content digital role, then I just kept grafting and building my profile, and seizing opportunities where I could. I also acted like an Editor, you know? Be the person you want to be and mould others around you, sort of thing.
  • @Darren Weale thanks Darren, that’s really good to know. will reach out to as many places as I can!
  • @Gavin Brett hey Gavin, thank you for your advice! this is really helpful. I’ll reach out to as many places as I can. might send you a message in the future if that’s okay!
  • @Iris Goldsztajn that’s great! I’ll give it some thought and message you about it
  • @Fahed Rahman thanks Fahed - they look great! I’ve filled in the application form
  • @Atanas Neychev thank you Atanas! will check it out
  • @Denis Fradkin hi Denis, thank you for the advice! I’ll see if there are any uni mags I can get involved in
  • Contact them, some niche magazines, for example, welcome good writers. OK, they often don't pay, but if it is building a portfolio, that can still make sense. The first music magazine I ever contacted for a band invited me to write for them and I still do, occasionally.
  • Hey Leanne. Agree with @Iris Goldsztajn – there's nothing to stop you pitching ideas at titles you have ideas for : ) Whether the editor reads them is, of course, another thing. Be persistent. Be polite. But don't write for free / "experience"! Great ideas are hard to ignore – titles live or die on them. And don't just pitch the editor – hit the section editors, too. It's all good practice for when you do land a job at a title (or even as a freelancer), as you'll be doing the same thing daily / weekly anyway. Source: used to be a journo/writer (10+ years). Best of luck!
  • Hi Leanne! I found it really eye-opening when I realised you can literally pitch any editor you want — it's their job to hear your ideas! Feel free to message me if you need help getting started :)

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