Fabric of sound

  • Babak Mirsalari
  • Hester Yang
  • Nikta Mohammadi

The Fabric of Sound is an immersive audio documentary that explores synesthesia through the personal experiences of three individuals. Edited into one interweaving narrative, it paints an intimate portrait of their everyday perceptions. Storytelling combined with an expressive multi-layered soundscape, the piece also experiments with sound as a medium, playing with textural qualities and its possibilities of evoking the other senses. To have the best sensory experience please listen to the piece with headphones. Currently available on BBC Radio 6 Music: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000y2hv New Creatives is supported by Arts Council England and BBC Arts. Visual artist: Ryan Courtier

Project Tags


  • ICA London – Institute of Contemporary Arts logo

    ICA London – Institute of Contemporary Arts

    • Arts and Culture
  • B

    BBC New Creatives
