Miller Harris

  • Aurore Delabrousse
  • Christopher Sharpe
  • Sean Thomas

Over the Christmas period, Britons collectively bin 227,000 miles of wrapping paper. London perfumers Miller Harris decided to take a stand against the issue by making going reusable more desirable. Inspired by the Japanese art of furoshiki, 100% silk twill scarves became our canvas. Each features the Miller Harris wordmark as it’s never appeared before: warped, wavy and unconventional. Thanks to the reusable designs, shipping weight was reduced by 90% year-on-year. What’s more, the scarves won over high-end consumers with sales up 24% over the festive period. As personal as perfume, the only limit to how they can be used is their owners’ creativity. So whether it be as a gift wrap, scarf or bag, they’re set to deliver the goods far beyond the season.