Puma | Cycle Series

  • India Jennings

During the management of Puma's seasonal partnership with The Sole Supplier, myself and the creative team were briefed to produce The Cycle Series. A concept born out of London's lockdown and the rise in cycling as a safe social interaction, The Cycle Series aimed at reconnecting the Puma brand with the community after the outbreak of COVID- 19. The brief was to create high production value, quality content - simply put! With that in mind, the team developed a two-part video that tapped into the brand's other media partners, resulting in higher engagement and a hugely positive response from the client. Visually, we utilised the higher range budget to employ a larger crew to shoot the content, captured at multiple locations to enhance the storytelling tools and hired high-quality editors to work closely with the post-production team to complete the deliverables.


  • Puma logo


    • Fashion and Textiles
  • The Sole Supplier logo

    The Sole Supplier

    • Marketing & PR
