Benjamin Steel

Benjamin Steel

Careers ExecutiveLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Masuma Hussain
orange agency
Arianna Rovagnati
Benjamin Steel

Benjamin Steel

Careers ExecutiveLondon, United Kingdom
About me
An eclectic working career within a number of industries including creative, administrative, legal and more. Where there is energy and humour, there tends to be a successful workshop or tutorial and in my work as careers executive at Ravensbourne, I have the good fortune to work alongside our talented students to help provide support and encouragement for their future creative careers. Any workshop has usually featured one of my two cats as an uninvited but very welcome guest.
Work history
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Careers AdvisorRavensbourne University London
    London, United KingdomFull Time
  • Public Speaking
  • Project Management
  • Project Administration
  • Career Coaching
    Animation (BA Hons)University of West England, Bristol
     - Bristol, United Kingdom
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Ravensbourne University London logo
    Foundation Diploma in Art and DesignRavensbourne University London
     - Bromley, United Kingdom