Portfolio platforms for motion designers & animators?

I'm looking to move the animation projects from my Behance page to a platform where I can build a motion graphics portfolio.

Ideally it would allow YT & vimeo links and upload GIFs fast.

Got any recomandations?


  • @Alessandra Leone Thank you Alessandra, I hnoestly haven't thought about slack channels even though I use the app frequently.

    I just requested an invitation on https://motionslack.com/ and found a ton of other chanells tailored for all kinds of skillsets: https://www.designerslack.community/

  • @Jay Baulch Thanks Jay! What I don't like about Behance is that gifs upload very slow and viewrs can't tell which projects are motion and which are static from the thumbnails.

    So I discovered that Vimeo revamped itself and if you have a free account made more than 2 years ago, you can upload up to 500mb per week. You can trim your videos and pick the thumbnail directly on Vimeo, and the hover playback works really well. All this for free!

    Here's mine: https://vimeo.com/icsds

  • Oh and theDots of course! I got quite some jobs through the platform :) despite it not being SPECIFICALLY for motion. But eh, it’s not Motion people you want to reach to get jobs, but rather producers and similar, so…. :)
  • Keep own portfolio well updated. That’s the best to show your professionalism I think. In terms of platform, Behance. And make sure to be on mograph slack channels (tons of contacts and jobs opportunities = network there!) and post sometimes on social media.
  • The only way I know is to either use have your own website to host case studies. You can then post about your case studies on social media.

    Otherwise unforunately behance is probably the best thing i've seen to achieve what you're after.

    I know this doesn't fully answer your question but if you do find anything else let me know!

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