4 Legged Friends

  • Mark Richardson

Brand Identity – Four Legged Friends is a community project designed to improve the well-being of children. Animals are scientifically proven to help lower stress levels and promote positive mental health. Working with an alternative provision school their animals help young people who might be struggling in life due to emotional and social needs. They have also teamed up with care homes and other schools. Superfried were approached to develop a versatile brand identity that would adapt as the project grows. The client initially suggested a paw print as a strong, clear symbol that would connect with their name. Although apt, it is heavily used, so to create distinction, the symbol was developed to simultaneously represent the face of a dog – their main therapy pet. With an eclectic range of animals including – cats, dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits – additional logos and colour palette were developed for each species. This would open up lots of opportunities such as name tags for the pets, stickers for the children and potential merchandise to raise money for the project. As additional animals are brought on board, new marques could be developed as required. The project is currently at an early stage, so to test the identity thoroughly, mock-ups were generated for all scenarios – visuals shown.