"Fashion's Love Affair With Surrealism Is Staging A Comeback"

  • Georgie Vartan

An article I wrote for Artefact Magazine about Surrealism and its influence on past and present fashion: Surrealism is an art movement which emerged in the early 20th century. It captures the other-worldly, dreamy and bizarre nature of the subconscious mind. The motifs of Surrealism soon began influencing fashion, with Elsa Schiaparelli collaborating with artists such as Salvador Dalí in the 1930s. This article explores past fashion collaborations with Surrealism and how the movement is still present in today’s fashion scene. Fashion houses such as Collina Strada, Iris van Herpen and Off-White use Surrealist motifs in their designs and the continuation of Surrealism at Schiaparelli under their creative director Daniel Roseberry. There are interviews with fashion students and Donatella Barbieri, a UAL professor, in conjunction with other quotes from designers and experts. Link to the article: https://www.artefactmagazine.com/2023/05/30/fashions-love-affair-with-surrealism-is-staging-a-comeback/