Interview: @l.holl on Comfort, Function and Quality Outdoors

  • Nova / Marianna Mukhametzyanova

2021 was the year of the waterproof Arc’teryx jacket, the Salomon sneaker, the Snow Peak camping tent and those vast, grandiose mountains or trees that loomed overhead in your latest IG post. This year, exploring nature outdoors became cooler than backing beers in your local watering hole, all thanks to a little industry or movement called ‘fashion’. If you want to dig a tad deeper into the cause and effect, then you’ll come across a handful of individuals and their respective Instagram accounts that have propelled this trend forward tenfold. Enter Louis Hollinson, perhaps better known as @l.holl, one of the big names in the equation. Louis created the @l.holl Instagram account because he wanted to collate and share his favourite fashion, nature and outdoor wear references with others, alongside personal snaps of him and his friends in nature. A couple of years later the page has become a gathering spot for knowledgable and curious outdoor enthusiasts, those who love climbing hills and rocks whilst looking cool and photo worthy. IG pages like these uphold the strength and sentiment behind the community, bring individuals with shared interests together, and keep the excitement around the trend going. When this many people are involved, and when the images look this good, who needs a Wetherspoons? Read the entire interview here: