Trap Door

  • Celestia Anstruther

Degree show piece for Goldsmiths Fine Art BA 2020 which received First Class Honours. This project uses sculpture and digital imaging as a way to reinhabit a place and state of mind, disorientating atmosphere with physical absence and remains. The sculptures were made using found waste materials like packaging and tree bark local to an agricultural barn site. The Blender animation uses photographs of these sculptures as a way to resee and contradict them, undoing their physicality. Using photographs for illusionistic effect instead of 3D meshes, misuses the software’s advanced sense of mapping with false depth. As the virtual camera pans over their details, the material rawness of the work is always being removed. I wanted to put pressure on themes of escape and daydreaming, by using methods of resourcefulness and adaptation. I'm interested in expanding sculpture digitally and retranslating it make into physical forms, going back and forth between permanence and the temporary, high tech imaging and low-grade materials. Using these perishable materials and precarious construction, was a way to give the works an almost animate, physical vulnerability that viewers can relate to. They act as physical reconfigurations of the site and its waste.

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    Goldsmiths, University of London

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