Anna Guled

Anna Guled

Product ManagerOld St, London, UK
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Pat McNulty
Hugh Waldren
Anna Guled

Anna Guled

Product ManagerOld St, London, UK
Projects credited in
  • TalentLAB
  • MADE TalentLAB
    MADE TalentLABTalentLAB is a new crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platform from MADE.COM. Anyone with a design idea can upload it to the platform and be in with a chance of getting it manufactured by MADE and sold on the website. Anyone who makes it through the crowdfunding stage to get their design sold on the website gets the same contract and royalties as any of our established designers. 
  • What is TalentLAB?
    What is TalentLAB?TalentLAB is the new crowdsourcing platform from MADE.COM. A place for original thinking and untapped talent. Anyone can upload a design idea and have the chance to get it produced and sold on MADE.COM.
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