Dom Sweeney

United Kingdom
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Dom Sweeney

United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Greenpeace
    GreenpeaceGreenpeace collaboration with Google Hangouts to promote remote working
  • Matchbox
    MatchboxToy roadkill
  • The Anxious Brain
    The Anxious BrainParkinson’s isn’t just tremors. There are over 40 symptoms that most people don’t know about. I’ve been tasked by Parkinson’s UK to come up with ideas that aim to educate people about these lesser-known symptoms – one of which is anxiety. It affects around a third of the 145,000-people living with Parkinson’s in the UK. Inspired by the anxiety caused by hyper-connectivity in the digital age, we hijacked our own ads - turning the brain into an intrusive app that constantly sends out notification