Harley Boden

Harley Boden

CopywriterParis, France
+ Info


Yana Shopova
Josefi Helo
Gonzalo Silvela
Harley Boden

Harley Boden

CopywriterParis, France
About me
Hello, nice to see you there, my name is Harley and I'm a copywriter in Paris. I develop tone of voice for brands and write for their websites, email newsletters, social media, basically any copy that lives in a digital world, and I can write for you too! Why not drop me a message if you have a text related project, or just fancy a chat about writing. Read you later, Harley
Projects credited in
  • Web Design & Webflow Development Project for Copywriter Harley Boden
    Web Design & Webflow Development Project for Copywriter Harley BodenPleased to share new portfolio work for copywriter Harley Boden, who caters specifically to hotels, beauty brands, and food and beverage sectors in Paris. Learn more about his work here: www.harleyboden.com
  • Brand Agency
  • Brand Communication
  • Brand Content
  • Social Copywriting
  • Copywriting Translations
  • Copywiting
  • Brand Copywriting
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