Harry Willis

Harry Willis

GraduateOxford, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Matt Willey
Robert Connelly
Harry Willis

Harry Willis

GraduateOxford, United Kingdom
About me
I am an ambitious, pro-active and independent professional with a passion for marketing and creative arts. I am committed to establishing a career in an environment that enables me to develop these attributes further, is challenging and gives me the opportunity to learn. Through a variety of experience in youth theatre, broadcast production and hospitality work, I have built up many transferable skills that enable me to work confidently in many different roles. The final year of my degree sparked a passion for digital marketing and the process a brand takes to decide on a marketing strategy. This resulted in my dissertation focus of social media marketing in small to medium sized businesses.
  • London Fashion Week
    London Fashion Week
Work history
    Event Assistant
    London, United KingdomFreelance
    During my work with XYZ I have worked on numerous projects with Nike; from the release of the 2017 Airmax to staff training events in London's Olympic Park.
    Bacchus logo
    Bacchus logo
    Event RunnerBacchus
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    During September 2016 I joined Bacchus for the duration of London Fashion Week in the organisation of popular venue Brewer Street Car Park. This gave me an insight into high paced back-to-back events in luxury markets.
  • Creative Event
  • Creative Events
  • Advertisement Branding
  • Promotional Videos
    BA (Hons) Business Management and Leadership - First Class Honors
     - Coventry, United Kingdom
    During the final year of my degree, I used the skills I had learned both from freelance work and managing a wine bar during my HND to transfer to Business Managment and Leadership from Creative Media Production. This has given me an invaluable perspective of creative environments but a thirst and mind for business.
    HND Creative Media Production - Distinction
     - Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
    During the years I spent at Stratford College I gained experience within the disciplines of television, film and radio. However, more valuable was the development of my confidence in leading people. During the summer of 2014, I developed and directed a popular music web series featuring local live bands. The series aired for 8 weeks before a finale with an audience of 200, 8 cameras and 14 bands live in Stratford-Upon-Avon's Civic Hall. This was a particularly proud moment in my creative career so far, demonstrating creativity from concept to creation as well as leading a group of my peers.