Lauren Green

Lauren Green

Knitwear DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
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Yana-Frida Binaev
Lauren Green

Lauren Green

Knitwear DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
  • Expand and Contract
    Expand and ContractMy Final Major Project revolved around the body and my passion for dance. It delved into the dynamic interplay between knitwear and movement, unravelling the dichotomy of freedom and constraint. My research began with the choreography of Wayne McGregor, Matthew Bourne and Martha Graham, paired with exploring movements I, myself, enjoy doing. To collaborate with local dancers was key to this investigation and led to some interesting shapes I could replicate in knit. This project encouraged me
  • Perspective
    PerspectiveDecember 2023 This textiles project explored distortion of perspective through the lens of refraction, the phenomenon where objects viewed underwater seem displaced due to differing densities of water and air. My research focused on three main paths to mimic this effect in knit: Blurring images: I explored contrasting yarn qualities, such as combed cotton versus mohair, as inspired by looking at scenery through warped glass. Warping images: Drawing inspiration from refraction, I explored print