Thomas Harding

Creative TechnologistLondon, United Kingdom
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Izzy Kertland
Luke Thompson
Phil McNeill

Thomas Harding

Creative TechnologistLondon, United Kingdom
Projects credited in
  • Barcoder
    BarcoderBriefed by agency Flying Object, we were asked to design and build an interactive game that would teach visitors to the Google Beach at Cannes Lions how to code. Correct code results in a free juice from the bar. We were interested in creating a playful system that encouraged visitors to the beach to interact with coding environments. Using brightly painted wood blocks we played on the simplicity of children’s toys as a physical language to introduce technical concepts. By arranging the wooden blocks into different configurations the participants could build an algorithm – with each correct configuration resulting in a free juice. Underpinned by myriad technologies the workings are never explained to the user – therefore the magic is in the experience, and not the technical solution.
  • Boat Builder
    Boat BuilderAs part of an ongoing internal research project into mixing physical and digital interactions we wanted to communicate the history of boat design. We wanted to use technology to enhance information and make a more interesting and memorable platform for learning. We aimed to create a multimedia experience that would engage different types of learners using tactility and visuals. Through an iterative prototyping process we arrived at the idea of making a group of boats built from a system of parts
  • Create Your Own Cover
    Create Your Own CoverThousands of children’s clothing catalogues are sent out every year and Mini Boden wanted to make something that really engaged kids (not just their parents!). They wanted children to imagine their own worlds and design their own unique artworks. We made an online tool that allowed children to build up their own island from a suite of illustrations. With control over the land, sea, sky, colours, and the islands inhabitants it was easy to make a completely custom cover. The 15,000 unique covers w
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  • Software Development
  • Web Programming
  • Application Development
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Unity3d