What books have you found useful for your career and personal development?

Are there any books that have helped you develop your skills that you would recommend? These could be specific to your field or books with more widely applicable advice. Thanks!


  • Great suggestions @Strategic Vision Coordinator, thanks! SICP and The Pragmatic Programmer have been on my list for a while, and presumably they have been read by/are on the list of many others. I’m currently (read: finally) making my way through A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout that you gave me! Really loving it so far.
  • These both look super interesting, thanks for the recommendations @Matthew Knight!

    Company of One in particular stands out. There is a real hunger for this sort of approach to business in pretty much every software dev community I’ve come across, given the increasingly low barrier to entry to creating SaaS-style products.
  • Two books I'd select as pivotal for me and my career:
    Company of One by Paul Jarvis - why 'growth' doesn't have to mean big.
    Lost Connections by Johann Hari - why designing how you work is as important as the work you do.

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