Bi Pride UK

Empowering The Bi Voice

London, United Kingdom


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Bi Pride UK’s mission is to create spaces where people who experience attraction beyond gender can be freely visible and celebrate themselves and their identities. It’s not enough to be ‘welcome’ at a Pride. We make up a very large proportion of the GRSD (Gender, Romantic and Sexual Diversity) community – many stats actually say we’re over half the community – and we deserve to be visible and celebrated in our own right. There are many ways to make this happen, and we work in many ways to bring this change about:  Outreach work with other Prides – our consultation work with local Prides and the UK Pride Organisers Network works in a tailored way to make sure that bi-inclusion is a top priority and is being done well. We also host corporate panels, cabaret events, and visit Prides around the UK - making the country a little bit more inclusive, one step at a time  Organising a high-profile annual Bi Pride event – from September 2019, the UK will have the Pride event it deserves for people attracted beyond gender, bringing together people from across the country to celebrate everything that makes our community amazing  Building a strong online and virtual community – just as important as the rest of our work is making sure that people hear about it! People need to know what resources and spaces exist for them, and how they can connect with other people like them

People who have worked with Bi Pride UK